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The Magic of PRP for Hair Growth

February 12, 2020

PRP proved itself since the 1980s, relieving tendon, muscle, and ligament injuries, healing wounds, and relieving the pain of arthritis. More recently, thousands of men and women have seen the frame come back to their face, as PRP therapy for hair growth has brought real results for them, restoring their hairline. Real relief comes, too, from the unfortunate sense that often comes with hair loss, the sense of losing the self you had grown to know. Hair is just a factor, right or wrong, in many people’s definition of beauty. And although bald and shaved styles for men have gained prominence, few would say no if they were offered the chance to have their hair back.

Non-surgical techniques for hair restoration, always popular, have gained in credibility. Today, a variety of non-surgical options for restoring hairline, coverage, and thickness are available and, at Dermatology Consultants, we can help you select from carefully curated alternatives to discover the hair restoration technique that’s right for you. For many people, PRP therapy is front and center among those options. With injectables enjoying wide popularity for relaxing, toning, and plumping the skin, this injectable approach to hair restoration seems familiar, and it is rapidly gaining popularity, experience, and satisfaction.

What’s Behind the Success of PRP

Platelet Rich Plasma injection therapy, PRP, is a more fundamental approach than topical applications. PRP still brings with it the advantages of a non-surgical approach, though, including no downtime, and unlike early transplant techniques, there is no period of time when the solution looks worse than the problem.

PRP begins with your body’s own blood supply. The liquid part of blood is plasma, and it carries with it white blood cells and platelets. Those platelets have a lot to do with the body’s ongoing process of growth, replenishment, and healing, because the growth factors carried by platelets signal other cells to function – replenishing skin cells, for example. In PRP, those platelets are concentrated to help stimulate the hair follicles’ activity and promote new hair growth.

How It Works

A special serum of your own growth-giving platelets is prepared and applied to the areas where you want more hair to grow. The process is precise, placing an injection in about every half-inch of thinning hair, yet typically a treatment takes about a half-hour or less.

Helping you experience the satisfaction of seeing your own goals come to life is our mission at Dermatology Consultants. If the advantages of PRP injection therapy sound good to you, then let’s get together and have a look at the options. Just contact us to get started.


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